Liner brush 9mm
Pensula liner brush 9mm este realizata din fibre sintetice de cea mai buna calitate cu mâner din lemn și capac din metal, pensula este recomandata pentru trasarea liniilor fine, pentru detalii fine si pentru modelarea bazei rubber.
The brush leaves no brush strokes, incorporates color very well and is very flexible.
Instructions for use:
– nu folosi aceeasi pensula dacă pictam cu cele doua categorii de materiale. Prima categorie : culorile de apa ( acuarele, vopsele acrilice, tempera, guașe), a doua categorie: gelurile uv ( painting gel, base rubber, ore semipermanente) Folositi o pensula pentru fiecare material utilizat;
- Clean the brush gently after each use so you can use it for longer.
Her products are used only as described on the website. Remenyi Kris Art SRL assumes no liability for the use of the products in any manner other than as recommended by us or our appointed technicians/representatives. We do not guarantee the compatibility of our products with other brands.
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